It connects you with a multitude of compatible devices and supports Bluetooth Low Energy BLE to reduce power consumption. I've tried numerous drivers, latest ASUS ones and others behave exactly the same - they work for some time after reinstalling them, but after some time the device fails and drivers are to blame according to Windows.

The ASUS USB-BT400 is a Bluetooth Smart Ready USB adapter with new Bluetooth 4.0 capabilities. Today we are Reviewing the ASUS USB BT400 Bluetooth Adapter. I have an Asus USB-BT400 a dedicated Bluetooth transmitter on a USB stick which I have just installed on a modern desktop running Win 10. If you are looking for the Broadcom Jungo driver then see here. Den kobler deg sammen med en rekke kompatible enheter og støtter Bluetooth Low Energy BLE for å redusere strømforbruket. Right click on the hardware device you wish to update and choose Update Driver Software 3. Then I started the program the video described. There are many keyboards, mice, headsets and cell phones today that have the capability to communicate with your computer through Bluetooth, and this tiny Bluetooth dongle from Asus is perfect for the job. Nevermind if I connect them with USB cables or through wireless adapter, only one works.